Kamis, 01 Juni 2017

The Greaters Change I Except In My Live For The Coming 10 Years


The greatest change I expect in my life for the coming  10 years

Tami Amalia Haryati







The Greatest Change I Expect In My Life For The Coming  10  Years

Till this moment,my preparation to reach the dream and become a success is go to college to learn more so I can have a better future. Therefore, I should be more focused on my studies now where this is also my first goal in reaching a nother dream. To achieve the best result, I do anything to keep my lead with the best effort,try and pray to get it.

My biggest change in 10 years then are:

1.      Work where I love to do that, after graduation everyone including myself must have a plan that is in serch of work and want a job that can make us comfrort in that job.

2.      Makes my parents happy and pround.

 All children must have really wanted to make our parents happy, as our parents treat us in the past.

3.      Married 

As living beings I also would want a wedding in this life. I will get married if all my dream come true and my parent looking my success.

4.      Starting my own business

Business is important. Because we can not just count from paid from our job. But we also want to earn more by strating a business.

5.      Countinuing my education

Study and keep study. I think that learning has no limit. So why not we continue our college.

6.      Become traveler

I really want to travel around the world. Really want to  see how amazing of God’s create and visiting country that I love.

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